God Of Peace Ministries, Inc.


601A S. Jefferson Ave.

Eatonton, Georgia 31024


Phone: 706 923-0066

Fax: 706-923-0098


Email GOPM:



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Order of Service


Prayer - 9:30 am

Morning Worship - 10:00 am



Bible Study - 7:00 pm



"Changing lives with the Peace of God."


God of Peace Ministries: Community Outreach

Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart,

and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

This is the first and great commandment.  


And the second is like unto it,

Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. Matthew 22:37-40 



Life is tough.  Sometimes, in spite of our best efforts, we are still overwhelmed.  At such times we need someone to reflect the love of Christ, our Savior. 


God of Peace Ministries' community outreach programs, projects and events are founded on biblical principles.  We are compelled to live the gospel that we proclaim through acts of love and grace to all – making God of Peace Ministries a place where people can connect and experience God’s love in a practical, meaningful, and tangible way. 


God of Peace Ministries members, neighbors and friends can enjoy our multipurpose complex which houses a child care facility, a food pantry, a fitness center, an outdoor stage and platform, and several pavilions conveniently located in close proximity to our swimming pool, basketball court, and athletic fields.  


Our pastors have created a culture of service designed to engage our church family in connecting the message of the gospel with people outside the church.  It is our prayer that, when people in our community are in need of hope or healing, their first thought will be God of Peace Ministries, where we have established a reputation for reaching the least, the lost and the broken; ministering to their needs and serving them with the utmost level of dignity and respect.


GOPM continues to give back to the community through a myriad of outreach efforts garnered by Pastors Michael and Vicky with a commitment to proclaim the Word of God, uplift the family and provide ministry to people just like you!


Through God of Peace Ministries, numerous people have received salvation and the tools necessary to live a victorious life in Christ.

Thanksgiving Community Outreach

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